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Joomstagram - Impossible to generate Instagram token
- C
- ciotta New Member
- Topic Author 3 years 9 months ago #1
After i click on "Generate Token" button i receive the popup request to "Allow" my app... and when I confirm the window closes and NO token is generated
Someone has encountered the same problem ? Any clue on what can be causing this ?
TY for your time.
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- K
- Kingsize New Member
- 3 years 9 months ago #2
I got stuck at last stap. No token is generated.
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- leoalv Moderator
- 3 years 8 months ago #3
I await more details to help you or add limitations to the scope of the module.
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- K
- Kingsize New Member
- 3 years 8 months ago #4
I have tried with 3 different browsers, Firefox, Chrome and Edge. I have completed all the steps. When I click on Generate Token nothing happens.
Should the instagram profile be a personal or a professional account? Or does that make no difference?
When I click 'generate token, I see this:
So I'm asked to continue with my Facebookprofile (because I use mu Facebookprofile to log in with Facebook Developers), but that's not my Instagramprofile, so I chose to switch accounts.
Then I get to see this:
And I log in with my instagram account. Then I get to see this:
When I click allow, nothing happens
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- ciotta New Member
- Topic Author 3 years 8 months ago #5
For now i'm using the profile that is already logged (FBdevs). If i try to change from "FB devs" and use my Instagram i get an credential/pass error > that is probably a mistake of mine/ i will verify and report.
BUT anyway if i confirm a keep using FBdev that is already logged i get the same exact behavior/result described by KINGsize. >> after clicking Allow the popup page just disappears and the next popup described in tutorial never shows > and no token is generated.
TY for your assistance. This problems clearly is not related to your wonderful extension, i appreciate you decided to answer us anyway !!!
Maybe when we solve you can add also this error to your tutorial to help other people.
Kingsize wrote: Hallo,
I have tried with 3 different browsers, Firefox, Chrome and Edge. I have completed all the steps. When I click on Generate Token nothing happens.
Should the instagram profile be a personal or a professional account? Or does that make no difference?
When I click 'generate token, I see this:
So I'm asked to continue with my Facebookprofile (because I use mu Facebookprofile to log in with Facebook Developers), but that's not my Instagram profile, so I chose to switch accounts.
Then I get to see this:
And I log in with my instagram account. Then I get to see this:
When I click allow, nothing happens
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- C
- ciotta New Member
- Topic Author 3 years 8 months ago #6
ciotta wrote: I will double-check again those credentials i use to confirm when asked at last step.
For now i'm using the profile that is already logged (FBdevs). If i try to change from "FB devs" and use my Instagram i get an credential/pass error > that is probably a mistake of mine/ i will verify and report.
OK i can confirm that to log, when requested at last step, i'm using my Facebook profile, same as KINGsize.
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- leoalv Moderator
- 3 years 8 months ago #7
We have not tested with a business account (professional) but according to the information from Facebook it is possible to access the basic data using the basic visualization API, which is the one we use.
The user that you add as a TESTER is the one who has to accept the invitation and is the SAME one who has to AUTHORIZE the token generator.
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- Kingsize New Member
- 3 years 8 months ago #8
The user that you add as a TESTER is the one who has to accept the invitation and is the SAME one who has to AUTHORIZE the token generator.
Well yes. That all with the same instagramaccount. Only to log in to 'Facebook developers' is a Facebook account.
I have indeed accepted the invitation to be a tester.
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- L
- leoalv Moderator
- 3 years 8 months ago #9
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- K
- Kingsize New Member
- 3 years 8 months ago #10
I've done the setup with the Facebook-account of my girlfriend. It all works fine!!
So there must be something wrong with my personal Facebook-account. I can't make it work here, I can't generate a token!
@ciotta Maybe try it with another Facebook-account. Maybe that will work for you!
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- C
- ciotta New Member
- Topic Author 3 years 8 months ago #11
Sry for the delay on my answer.
I double-checked instagram credentials for the account I used as test user. I changed the password and logged again from my computer. After this the "generate token" procedure worked like a charm and now the website/plug-in is showing content!
Again thank you both for the support, have a nice one!
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