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UT Articles Tab - Please help

  • E
  • etagure New Member
  • Topic Author 4 weeks 23 hours ago #1
Hello, I have a question.

I’m using the UT Article Tab (quickstart from the UT Newsgood template), and the same issue appears in UT Article Pro.

When I add a Blog Media Gallery in an article and set the following options:

Header Over Image: Yes
Article Info Position: After Title
The item with the Blog Media Gallery doesn’t display the title and article info inside the image like the others do; instead, it displays them outside the image.

Please check the attached screenshots.

Best regards,Petar

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  • L
  • leoalv Moderator
  • 4 weeks 22 hours ago #2
Hi there.
This is not really a bug, Helix's Video, Audio and Gallery article types are interactive media that have their own controls, so we can't overlay a layer to place the title and info, because they would be unusable. It's true that we added an override in the Goodnews template and in this override we made it so that if the post is a video type and also has a fulltext image, then the module and the blog create a thumbnail and load it with a play icon instead of the video, but that was to speed up the page because embedded videos load too many files.


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  • E
  • etagure New Member
  • Topic Author 4 weeks 11 hours ago #3
First of all, thank you for your response.

Second, your modules are the only ones with the option to display media icons, which is a default feature for WordPress. I’ve tried other popular modules like Raxo and Minitek Wall, but none of them have this option.

Regarding the video, I understand that loading videos would put a strain on resources, so it’s great that the play icon is displayed for video posts.

As for the gallery, I think it’s fantastic that Helix article types display the gallery in modules as a slideshow. I also understand that it’s not possible for the text and info to overlay the image. Perhaps there could be an option in the settings (if it’s not too complicated) to display a photo icon for gallery posts, similar to how the play icon is shown for video posts.

Best regards, Petar

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  • L
  • leoalv Moderator
  • 4 weeks 10 hours ago #4
Hi there.
We always take recommendations into account, that's why we have reviewed the template code and the modules' overrides and yes it is complicated, to show an image with an icon instead of the gallery in the modules we would have to practically rewrite the 3 overrides and also the template helper, and by doing so we could break many sites.

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  • E
  • etagure New Member
  • Topic Author 4 weeks 7 hours ago #5
So, I understand that it’s complicated. Perhaps in the future, this feature could be added, but not for the modules included in quickstart packages. Instead, it could be implemented in modules that need to be purchased separately as an extra feature.
Thnx a lot

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