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Joomstagram - days to refresh token

  • J
  • jumanji007 New Member
  • Topic Author 1 year 4 months ago #1
All working well with the module.

But the option of "Days to refresh token" - does this mean I have to generate a new token after the given amount of days? I thought the token would be permanent.

The reason I ask is because I had to get the client to allow me access to their instagram account in order to get this token in the first place. Could become a little bit annoying if I have to do this every couple of months!

Thanks in advance

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  • L
  • leoalv Moderator
  • 1 year 4 months ago #2
Instagram tokens last 60 days, we cannot change that, in fact with the previous version of Joomstagram it had to be updated manually every 2 months, but no longer because in version 3.1.0 we have integrated an automatic token generator ( Days to Refresh Token), it will only be done manually in extreme cases.

Days To Refresh Token: it is after how many days you want a token to be regenerated automatically, it has to be less than 59, because to regenerate a token the token has to be active and not expired. The number of days depends on the number of monthly visits you have, assuming you have 1 monthly visit then you should enter less than 28, if you have at least one weekly visit you can enter about 50 days, if you have daily visits without fail about 57 days is fine .


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  • J
  • jumanji007 New Member
  • Topic Author 1 year 4 months ago #3
Thats brilliant to hear it is automatically regenerated.

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